A Little Update

Feb 14, 2008 04:34

I have been very busy, and luckily the source of my busy-ness is also making me very happy.

I have music in my life again! Well not the listening-music or piano/guitar-self-entertainment-type music, but satisfying chinese classical ensemble music where the scores are not all that hard but you still have to sweat to make sure you come in on time and you're not too loud or too soft and that your tonguing doesn't sound weird when blended with the chengchengchengcheng of the ruan.

A little background: A mini-micro Chinese classical music ensemble has been set up in the university I go to, and I'm part of it! We are quite popular recently, and are having numerous performances (due to the Chinese New Year). I play this (it's called a sheng):

 (NB: picture was taken in my high school days, in my high school uniform)

It's a great feeling, because I was in various Chinese orchestras for the better part of six years, and missed it terribly when I came to London. Now I feel whole again. :)

And there are daffodils on my table and grapes in the fridge-- my life would be utterly perfect if the washing machine wasn't broken.


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