May 13, 2007 20:42
This is for everyone that needs to email us.
When you email any of the mods here please email us at this is your sure fire way to get your questions answered. If you receive an automated message from LiveJournal telling you to contact the mods please disregard that message. Contacting the mods directly will result in a ban
Second, if you were rejected please include the following:
Subject: Request Denied
Body: LJ Username: Your LJ name goes here
Did you read Why Was I Rejected? on the profile page? Yes or No
Message: If you have anything else to tell us then please tell us we do read the messages.
For current members please include the following:
Subject: Current Member - Your reason for emailing
LJ Username
Your message to the mods
Please, DO NOT EMAIL US ABOUT THE RECENT MEMBERSHIP CLEANUP! Our reason for our actions are listed on the main profile, Security Reasons. Emails about 'why was I removed' or 'when you be back' will be deleted on site.
If your email does not contain your LJ name then we will delete your email and it won't get answered. Due to the amount of requests per day and emails we receive by following the simple instructions above will help us answer your question quickly and faster than before.
Please keep in mind we have a high volume of both email and membership requests everyday so it will take a while to answer everyone even with six different mods.
Revised: 5/13/07 @ 8:32 PM EST.
mod post