Current members - please feel free to ignore this. It's intended only for prospective members.
OK. Most of the people applying for membership have been fantastic, and with their help, we're ironed out a fair few issues. So thank you to all of those wonderful people. This post is not directed at you.
This post is directed at the people who have been continually applying and re-applying and re-applying after being rejected. Seriously, guys, stop it. We are putting a new rule in place - anyone who applies to join and is rejected three times will be banned. Anyone who has already applied more than three times has only one more application remaining before they will be banned.
The criteria for membership is located right there in the
Community Profile. It's really not hard to find. If your journal is rejected, read the profile carefully before re-applying( and thank you to the people who actually did this). Check the criteria against your journal. It's not going to make you popular with the maintainers if you email us saying "why was I rejected?" when your journal has no posts, or your profile is blank, or you haven't updated for months, or whatever the reason is.
If you read through the criteria and don't know why your journal was rejected, feel free to email us. Like I said before, mistakes can be made.
But if any of the criteria apply to your journal, fix the problem before re-applying. I can't stress that enough. Your application will be rejected if you do not. If there are multiple problems, fix all of the problems before re-applying. If in doubt, email us and ask.
If there are any extenuating circumstances that apply to you (you have recently changed journals, you have a separate journal for communities, etc) please feel free to email us and explain the situation. We're more than happy to help clear things up.
I'm sorry for how cross I am sounding; the fact of the matter is that I (and the other maintainers) are getting tired of having to spend time rejecting the same members over and over again. We have processed approximately 1500 applications in the last 24 hours, and speed is of the essence. Please help us out here guys, we're trying our best to make this as fast and easy as possible.
Thank you again to everyone who has been cooperative and helpful; the maintainers appreciate it more than you know!