
Nov 17, 2007 12:11

Lets101 - Free Online Dating

I guess it's mostly true, but I would not describe myself as "suave". Every time I try to do something suave, it backfires. The particular event I am thinking about was way back when I was nineteen and living in La Grande, OR, and I wanted to go buy some cigarettes in the middle of the night, so I decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery, neglecting to realize that it was complete fenced in--so when I got to the other side, I thought, "Heyyyyy, no problem, I'll just hop this fence and---" then the top of the fence caught my pants and definitely ripped a hole in the butt. I was lucky I had a sweatshirt with me to tie around my waist. I suppose I was also lucky that there was nobody else around at the time, but of course now you all know the story anyway--I'M SECRETLY A DORK.

Also, I'm not sure what "strong mentality" means. Maybe it's a nice way of saying "opinionated".

I am going to two parties tonight! Of course, one is for the two-year-old daughter of one of Sarah's coworkers (it's at Chuck E. Cheese), so I will probably just hang around and watch Sarah play skee-ball, maybe feed some tokens into the animatronic things and marvel at how they used to creep me out as a child (for the record, I was also afraid of Santa Claus). The second one is a housewarming party for my supervisor/birthday party for my supervisor's girlfriend, so there will be alcohol. I'm making muffins. Well, I PLAN on making muffins, but this may not materialize.

Charlotte is standing on the stove licking the pan in which I made scrambled eggs this morning.

I'm going to practice the violin today! For the first time in FOREVER--I couldn't play while Sarah was working graveyard because she was, you know, asleep during the day. I suppose I could have done pizzicato but I need to work on my bowing, maybe put a Cheerio on top of the bow Suzuki-Institute-style (seriously, they did this to us when we were four) so I can practice keeping the bow straight. I'm learning how to play "Talula"--I have, like, four Tori songbooks that I'm practicing out of, though her lower notes are sometimes too low for the violin (as in "Liquid Diamonds," which makes me mad because I think that's my favorite Tori song and I would really like to be able to play it). Sometimes I forget how much I love music.

I had a weird dream last night in which a character in one of the stories I was incessantly writing when I was 18-19 was using pieces of straw to tally up all the mistakes he'd made in his life to try to pinpoint how he could atone for them. It was strange, because I haven't worked on this story in years, and yet somehow the character has taken on a life of his own and continued to evolve in my subconscious. I miss him and his world, being there, creating it, watching him react. It was a strangely poignant dream. I suppose you can never know somebody in real life as well as you know the characters you create.

Well, this turned into an effing novel. I go clean now.

socializing, cats, meme, music, violin, dreams

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