Father and Son talks

Jul 19, 2009 19:27

The fight had happened four days ago now, and it was Monday. Ben was due to be at work, but the last place he wanted to be was with his father. He figured that his leaving home was in effect his big I quit anyway. Sarah, however, had to go off with the girls shopping at the mall for clothes for school. She dragged Ben along, but once the girls met up he was left to wander on his own.

He found the Starbucks easily and got himself a drink, then located a vacant plush couch in the mall and stretched out. His Ipod on and lost in a book, he proceeded to wait. Sarah had found him already and dropped off a few bags for him to guard while they continued on.

Summer reading for school had been done early, so this was just for fun. Slaughterhouse 5 was something that had seen interesting, and really pulled him in once he got into it. Eventually he had no idea about anything or anyone around him.

[muse] dean winchester, [muse] ben braedan, [muse] lisa braedan, [muse] samantha winchester, [muse] alec winchester (494)

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