Jun 21, 2010 11:25
Starting yet another week.
Thanks to a data loss issue last week, one that circumvented several safeguards against losing data (in large part because there were multiple safeguards in place) I'm at the same exact point I was in my work last week, only 2-3 weeks behind now instead of 1-2 weeks behind.
Spent 12+ hours painting in the "Feels like you're basting in 95+ degree heat" this weekend. To beat the heat I woke up at 5am to get there by 6am... I ended up sleeping 14 hours today to catch up. I was hoping to finish up the last bit of outdoor painting Saturday... but thanks to the dark blue paint that requires somewhere between 5 and 3 million coats, this weekend I wasn't able to cross a single one of the nine items off of my outdoor painting to do list.
And this morning I got a call from our mortgage people telling me they need 2 pay stubs, my last 2 W-2s and my last K-1 (company profit distributions) before we can take the next step in the home equity loan that we started 6 weeks ago. Sure we got charged $500 two weeks ago for an appraisal that wasn't going to be charged until we had pre-approval, they need this paperwork so that they can pre-approve us. For fuck sake, we're not buying a half million dollar home with no money down, we're taking a small amount of money out of a property we already own free and clear. We decided to do this back in March? And it's almost July? WTF?!
And last but not least, thanks to all my dehydration this weekend, my fat percentage (as measured by my scale) managed to jump back to the worst number I've seen since the beginning of the month. Sure it's an outlier and will return to normal soon enough, but seeing my trend line jump way back was not particularly encouraging after missing my last two workouts.
So yeah, after burning the candle at both ends for the last week (month?) I'm starting this week as if I did absolutely nothing all week long. It's been at least a month since I've taken a day off, working all week in front of the computer and then doing manual labor all weekend. CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!