(no subject)

Jul 07, 2006 16:59

Reccing vids is never a fool-proof idea, since more than any other fan-product they have a tendency to be taken down or, at the very least, require specific computer programs. Nevertheless, a certain (recently found) few are purty enough to transcend my misgivings.

BtVS/AtS:Spanish Doll, vidded by dualbunny. Song by Poe. Drusilla is one of the more intriguing characters from Buffy, and certainly one of the very most beautiful to watch. Her magic, madness, and above all the animal grace with which she moves are the showpieces here.

Black Black Heart, vidded by dualbunny. Song by David Usher. Spike and his duster. Oh, that duster. Sure, Spike has cheekbones and abs beyond the ken of mortal man, but between that duster and his magnetizing body language, he is irrestistable. This vid does a perfect job of showing why. The editing here is magnificent, and the energy is unflagging.

Firefly/Serenity: New Frontier, vidded by Here's Luck. A vid that almost reconciles me to the heartbreak of "Serenity." Focuses on Mal and River, with some fantastic editing. There's a shot of Miranda from space intercut with River's brain that just blew me away.

Harry Potter: I Like the Way You..., vidded by starrose. Music by BodyRockers. Harry/Draco in a disarmingly funny vid. It almost had me bopping in my seat.

And since I'm on the subject, here are a few old favorites:

Highlander: Raven in the Storm, vidded by Kill and Carol S. Music by John Gorka. A rumination on death, in all its forms--particularly Death on a Horse. This is a great song for Methos, and the vidders choose their scenes well.
Also, each and every one of Luminosity's Highlander vids is perfection. Two personal favorites are "I'm Not a Virgin Anymore" and the cutest Duncan/Methos vid in the world, "Just Like You." Not to be missed.

BtVS/AtS: Whatever, vidded by Luminosity and Sisabet. Music by T -Bal and BJ. The clearest proof that L&S are virtuso vidders. Freaking hilarious.

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