Yesterday, I wrote 1,135 words on Red Delicious and finished Chapter Five. Two or three chapters to go. I'll be pausing now to do Sirenia Digest #87. But the novel should be finished by the end of the first week in April.
Last night, it snowed again. Here in the latter part of the middle portion of the month of March. Not sure how much we got. A few inches. Rain came this morning and began washing it away. I am unspeakably sick of this winter.
Yesterday, the contracts arrived for a Turkish edition of
The Drowning Girl: A Memoir. Which is pretty cool. I'll be coming back to this in another entry. I also received the three inked page for the inks for Chapter Seven of Alabaster: Boxcar Tales, along a with a huge box of contributor's copies of
Alabaster: Wolves. My thanks to everyone for the comments yesterday. Also,
argonel wrote: Also was the gold perhaps vacuum deposited rather than electroplated? That would be the most common method of preparing non-conductive samples for SEM work.
Yep! I knew I had that wrong.
Some stellar RP going on with
And now...I have paragraphs to be...
I Can't Believe,
Aunt Beast