"Squeaky swings and tall grass ."

Aug 13, 2012 13:31

Sorry. I sort of found myself goofing about the last hour (though a chunk of it was business-related email, so not goofing, technically).

Yesterday, I rallied and found my way back into the book. After two days of dismal word counts, I did 1,667 yesterday, finished Chapter 2, and began Chapter 3 ("Elves on Harleys, or Urban Fantasy Cliché 15"). So, it at least seems Fay Grimmer is back on track.

Here in Providence, we are cloud haunted each night, and the Perseids are eluding us yet another year. In 2004, when Kathryn and I had not yet moved to Providence but were up visiting her parents, we lay out beneath the clear and starry sky and watched. Unfortunately, a full moon outshone everything else that night. This year, we have a waning crescent, but clouds. Right now, it's mostly sunny out there. Don't let it fool you.

When Chapter Three is finished, I'm taking a day or two off while a scrap of summer remains. This is one of those summers that has almost been my undoing. I have lost so much time.

Anyway, with nothing much else to say, and no time to say it, I leave you with kitten pr0n. Er...MS Word knows how to spell "pr0n"? Anyway, Young Master James Selwyn Nightshade is growing like a weed, and he and Hubero are becoming fast friends. We're trying to get photos before Selwyn is all growed up and shit. [TRIGGER WARNING] Cute kitten lurking behind cut!*:

"But we were playing chess!"

All photographs Copyright © Kathryn A. Pollnac

Now I'm Feelin' Kittenfied,
Aunt Beast

* Why, yes. I am making light of "trigger warnings." They're bloody fucking absurd. Kill your fear, and grow a fucking backbone. Or spend your lives avoiding cute kittens.

selwyn, clouds, cats, astronomy, kittens, hubero, fay grimmer, triggerpunk, summer, meteors, urban fantasy, words, deadlines, lost time, lost days

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