Day 18 (2025 A.D.)

Jan 18, 2025 20:00

Mostly overcast today. Our high was 64F. And we are about to plunge into some very fucking cold weather.

So, that.

I was up at 6 a.m., and I did more work on "Darkness, On the Face of the Deep." I colored monster doodles. Bill asked me to blurb a new edition of a Bradbury book, and I said sure. I got the page proofs for Zoetrope Bizarre, which I now need to go over.

Three documentaries this afternoon. The second half of that one on California wildlife, then two episodes of Nature, one on wildlife in northern Alaska and another on pumas in pumas in the Chilean Andes. All in all, the three were a reminder how the Americas, north to south, were left so devoid of big animals following the end Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. No mammoths, mastodons, large camelids, ground sloths, glyptodonts, horses, saber-tooths, short-faced bears, dire wolves, American cheetahs...and you get the picture. We only have a diminutive, diversity-impoverished echo of a lost world.

Happy thoughts. Monday's the fucking inauguration, the Second Coming of the Horror Clown. And we are so fucked.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

1:33 a.m.

documentaries, extinction, paleontology, doom, the horror clown, politics, page proofs, alaska, dread, blurbs, editing, colder weather, pleistocene, nature, california, ray bradbury, monster doodles, zoetrope bizarre

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