Lux in Tenebris

Dec 05, 2024 22:08

Sunny, and our high today was 55F. Cold night.

I managed to sleep until 4, then didn't get up until 5 a.m. I did work on the things that need working on, and Kathryn and I made it out to McWane in the early afternoon. HOWEVER! I forgot some material I needed to do the main work I was going to do, was kind of a fiasco. I did manage to get the sediment sample for the next turtle paper and get it on its way to Andy Bowman in Tuscaloosa, but other than that, a bust.

Still. I got outside, and Jun and I talked a good bit. Mostly about the Bashi and the trip in January to get a core sample and collect the Whynott site in Mississippi (see photo below, Jun pointing to the Bashi/Hatchetigbee contact).

I keep forgetting to mention that a couple pf nights back, maybe three now, Kathryn and I saw a couple of very decent films on Hulu. One was Kitty Green's The Royal Hotel (2023), with Julia Garner, and Karrie Crouse and William Joines' Hold Your Breath (2024), with Sarah Paulson. Both very good.

And...that's enough for now.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

3:13 p.m.

stratigraphy, bashi marl, good movies, geology, mississippi, mcwane center, eocene, writing, cold, jun, julia garner

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