Fuck, what day is this? Friday? Sure, let's say it's Friday. I might even be right. Anyway, it was very hot. Our high was 93.9F, with a heat index of 102F. Near sunset, there was an amazing thunderstorm and torrential rain.
I have a feeling I should try and clarify my position on the candidacy of Kamala Harris, because I've already got some weird (and irritating) comments. To start with - that is to say, Number One, who I support in any election is actually no one's business but my own. But let's pretend that's not true. So, I will be more perspicuous than I was yesterday. Harris is our best chance of stopping Donald Trump (again). It will likely be a tight race, but she's still the best shot we have. She is, in fact, our only chance. No, I actaually do not think Harris as president is an ideal situation. I think, if she wins, it will deepen the divide in an already deeply divided nation, when we need to be finding compromises to try and heal that division. Harris is a very smart person, and I do admire her, even if I disagree with her on many political/social positions. She's savvy. She's experienced. She is powerful. Unlike Trump, she's sane and coherent. Every sentence out of her mouth is not another round of word salad. It does not embarrass me to imagine her speaking to forgein dignitaries. I'm not going to start counting off all the ways she and I do not see eye to eye, because I don't need the blistering rain of crap that listing such things would bring down upon me from all the self-righteous assholes who know exactly how the world ought to be and live their lives ready to do their best to tear down anyone who dares to disagree. Kamala Harris is a good person. She is a very intelligent person. She's charismatic. She would probably make a very good president. And no matter what, she's a thousand times better than Donald Trump. That is what I mean, in a political context, about compromise. It is a cornerstone of American politics when American politics work right. Democracy, all democracy everywhere, relies on compromise. I get some of what I want, you get some of what you want. Do schools not teach civics anymore?
And if you think not voting for Harris, for whatever reason (I'm hearing this from the soldiers of the Far Left, who feel she's a sell out, not progressive enough, blah, blah, blah), you are effectively, if not literally, casting your vote for Trump. If you can live with that, okay.
This shit is keeping me awake at night, which affects everything I need to be doing.
It's late. That's all I have to say. Oh, I signed a big stack of Vile Affections today, and Spooky is taking at least some of them to the p.o. tomorrow.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
6:14 a.m.