Worse than the "Anthropocene."

May 29, 2024 16:08

Bright and a little cooler today. Our high was (so far) 85F. I went out for a short walk, the first time I have left the house since before my birthday.

I neglected, yesterday, to mention that it was my Gramdma Mary Ramey's (née Satterfield) 110th birthday. I miss her, but thank fuck she did not have to live to see what the world has become.

Tomorrow I got back to work full-tilt-boogie. Keep watching the skies. I am sick of the depression and the cowering and the stagnation. I have still a few stories in me, and I still have science to do. The science especially is a beacon of sanity in this era of "post truth" and the rejection of even the posibility of an objective truth by the Right and the Left. And the fiction, that will be my Father Confessor. My depression is becoming anger, and I'm letting it. Anger gets shit done.

My sanctuaries in the coming apocalypse.

Today, in the latest JVP, I read "An unexpected early-diverging iguanodontian dinosaur (Ornithischia, Ornithopoda) from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal."

Please visit the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Lots of cool stuff. And I will sign/personalize any of my books you buy, and it's better you buy them from me than fucking Amazon (et al.), though I do support independant bookstores and used bookstores. They're good, too.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

3:07 p.m.

grandma ramey, jvp, paloentology, apocalypse, ignorance, birthdays, politics, anxiety, outside, 1914, anger, dinosaurs, used books, depression, science, portugal, sanctuary, determination

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