"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."

May 28, 2024 16:09

Sunny all day, with a high of 88F.

I forgot to mention that, night before last, we finished our Dexter rewatch (this is assuming I ever mentioned we'd begun it). I was surprised at how uneven the series is, season to season. There are two very good seasons, Four and Five, the Trinity Killer and Lumen. respectively. And the last season isn't bad. The final couple of episodes are quite good. But in between all that there's some truly unremarkable television.

Today I finished McMurtry's Comanche Moon and began The Streets of Loredo, the final book (chronologically by the events in the story) in the Lonesome Dove tetralogy.

"The only good writing is intuitive writing. It would be a big bore if you knew where it was going. It has to be exciting, instantaneous and it has to be a surprise." ~ Ray Bradbury

The afternoon's film was Christopher Nolan's Inception (2010).

I signed books for someone in England today. Books sold via the shop.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

2:40 p.m.

signing my name, christopher nolan, writing without a net, larry mcmurtry, westerns, ray bradbury, good tv, 2010

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