“You remember the things you want to forget and forget the things you want to remember.”

May 19, 2024 16:29

Sunny today and a high of 84F.

Last night we finally had a look at the AMC Interview With the Vampire series. I went in with few expectations, one way or the other. And I loved the first two episodes. Really, truly wonderful stuff. The third episode isn't uite as good, but still very decent. And then...Claudia is introduced in the fourth episode and the whole thing goes off a cliff. A nightmare becomes slapstick. A grotesque self parody. And I get why Claudia is presented as fourteen, instead of five. But presenting a fourteen-year-old Claudia...and it's not just that it breaks something cricial to the character dynamics in the story, it's that the fourteen-year-old Claudia is handled so terribly. Somehow, it probably could have worked. I don't know if it was the actress, the director, or the writers...or all them colliding, but Jesus H., I've never seen something so promising implode so quickly. And from what we've read online today, lots of folks have had much the same reaction. So, I have trepidation about going farther, since Claudia isn't going away any time soon. Part of me just wants to take those first three episodes and leave it at that. I could write a very long entry about "The Problens With AMC's Claudia," and who the hell wants to read that? But. Yeah, I do not handle disappointment well.

But damn, those first two epsiodes. Wow. Plus, Eric Bogosian!

Anyway...please visit the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Thanks. I will hopefully have a more substantial entry tomorrow.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

4:06 p.m.

anne rice, racism, disappointment, bad tv, vampires, windows, good tv

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