"My God, what have we done to you?"

Apr 30, 2024 16:34

On the one hand, I slept about 3 hours last night. On the ot her hand, it was not an unproductive day (again), despite (again) not having slept. I fell asleep sometime before midnight, woke at 1:30 a.m., watched all of Fiddler on the Roof (1971), then got maybe another hour of sleep before I finally got up at 4:30ish a.m. and made breakfast and coffee. The time is likely off in there somewhere. What of it.

And I was going to sit down and begin writing something I have to write for a book about a certain Stephen King novel, only we were hit by a magnificent thunderstorm, and I was not about to work on the iMac with all that thunder and lightning. You could only see a foot or so out the window, it was raining so hard. Finally, the storm ended and the sun came out about 7 a.m. And we had a bright and sunny day, with the high at 79F.

That was my early morning.

And I know have pretty much the entire primary and secondary plotlines for The Sun Always Shines on TV. THis afternoon I disilled my pages of handwritten notes into a sort of oral presentation for Kathryn, and I added a few things. She loves it, and I like it a lot. She wants to read it. I want to write it. That's about as good as it gets. I'm not gonna toss out a lot of spoilers, just that yes, it is a sequel to Living a Boy's Adventure Tale. Oh, and these four words: "Dinosaur spaceship on Mars." That should whet the appetite.

Anyway, lots of oher work, mostly talking with and messaging and emailing various folks, both fiction folks and paleontology folks. As I write The Sun Always Shines on TV, I'll also be hammering together a first draft of the morphology section of MP2 (unlike fiction, I write technical papers in drafts) for the MP2 study group. Tomorrow I am going to write something, I don't care if I am faced with the goddamn Noachian Deluge. Oh, and I also started my second read through of an important new mosasaur paper, "Evaluation of the photosensory characteristics of the lateral and pineal eyes of Plioplatecarpus (Squamata, Mosasauridae) based on an exceptionally preserved specimen from the Bearpaw Shale (Campanian, Upper Cretaceous) of southern Alberta."

Z says he'll be settled enough in his new digs in SC tomorrow evening that we can start RPing again. I have missed it.

UPDATE: The GoFundMe is a mere $213 from the finish line! Help give that final push. Thanks. But there's also the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop, currently one of our important sources of income. ($213! Thank you all so very much.)

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt (fuck the anit-Semites) Beast

2:37 p.m.

living a boy's adventure tale, 1971, mars, canada, hate, money, paleontology, insomnia, rain, fiddler on the roof, bigots, rent, the sun always shines on tv, dinosasurs, south carolina, rping, z, mosasaurs, time travel, stephen king, thunderstorms, eyes

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