"The sky doesn't care what my poor heart wants..."

Apr 29, 2024 17:52

A mostly cloudly, warm day today. Some wind. Our high was 79F. It's time to set up the fan in my office. I'm getting sweaty.

Most of today was eaten up by a doctor's visit. But once that was finally over, and the two trips to the phramacy that folowed, I did at least manage to a) catch up on a LOT of email that piled up the last few days. And b) to have a sort of epihany about The Sun Always Shines on TV that I'm going to talk over with Kathryn after dinner. So, not exactly an unproductive day.

Here in Birminghan, we teeter on the edge of the coming summer.

Something I posted to Facebook: “Humans are antifragile; exposure to discomfort and uncertainty -physical, emotional and intellectual- is necessary.” ~ Heather E. Heying, A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life. That sentiment should be guiding part of the bedrock of the US educational system. It should be something that helps guide the raising of children to adulthood. It is, in fact, the world I was raised in. One that assumed resilience. It makes people strong.

Today I saw the cover for Ellen Datlow's The Best Horror of the Year (Volume Sixteen), which reprints my story "Build Your Houses With Their Backs to the Sea." That was one of the day's high points.

The GoFundMe is a mere $313 from the finish line. Help give that final push. Thanks. But there's also the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop, currently one of our important sources of income.

And yes, I am now and always will me a meritocrat (someone actually asked via email).

Okay, I'm gonna finish this warm IBC rootbear and have a baloney sandwich for dinner (the grilled cheese below was Spooky's dinner).

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

4:59 p.m.

diversity, money, heather heying, cover art, sweat, email, psycology, "build your houses with their backs to t, food, evolution, ellen datlow, merit, safetyism, strange days, ibc, summer

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