So...I woke at 2:30 a.m., and there was no gettng back to sleep. At three I abandoned the effort, got up, and I went to work. Story notes for Bright Dead Star. I did seven more this morning.
Sleep be damned.
I think I'll have the notes done by Saturday evening, and then I can devote all of Sunday to an introduction. My introductions are rarely elaborate affairs, so that should work. I also spent an hour with the microscope, looking for fish and shark teeth, and
otoliths, in the Bashi Marl matrix. So, sleep or no sleep, it was a productive day.
Our high today was only 50F, overcast all day, but no rain.
I read "A new
hupehsuchian (Reptilia: Ichthyosauromorpha) from the Lower Triassic of South China with implications for the evolution of polydactyly" in the newest JVP.
Breakfast, long before dawn, as a piece of pumpernickel bread with cream cheese, some apples sauce, and coffee. Dinner will be an experiment to see if I can handle a tuna sandwich.
Some stuff I posted to Twitter. I've been avoiding politics, but:
No such thing as justifiable censorship. Banning books, it's all the same no matter if right-wing or left-wing extremists are doing it. Think those right-wing censors don't also believe they're doing good? A book frightens you/you find it "hurtful," be a grown up. Don't read it.
~ and ~
But leading campaigns to stop others from having acess to books, depriving them the right to choose, that's censorship and it is fascism.
~ and ~
The fact that there are Americans who will argue w/this, and Americans who believe they are intellectuals, who are educated, who tout themselves as progressives, etc., who actually will argue w/me on this point, it's disheartening, to say the least.
..and finally:
And I am in no way trying to draw attention away from the evils of Right-wing book banning. I am drawing attention to the profound irony that the Left is almost as willing to do the exact same evil thing. The reasons why do not matter. There is never, ever a good excuse.
Very good episodes of The New Look and Constellation last night. Befire I passed out two hours earlier than I should have. I hate being the only person awake for hours and hours. It's creepy.
Please visit the
Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Books, baby, books. You buy'em. I sign 'em.
And So It Goes,
Aunt Beast
3:58 a.m.