So...this historic weather mess of the last two days, we now have this cold front steaming towards Birmingham. When I got up at 7 a.m., we were at 67F. By 11 a.m., we were at 71F. And now we are at 54F and still plummetting towards a nightly low of 34F, then back up into the 50sF tomorrow. Temperatures will have rebounded by the weekend, but this one has really made me sit up and take notice. It should be noted that this is a prime example of how "historic" weather events that can be traced to global warming/climate change truly are becoming "normal."
I just saw that Richard Lewis (1947-2024) has died. Bummer.
Not much work today. But I feel so, so much better, and I actually think I will be done with the ms. for Bright Dead Star by Sunday, at which point all my fiction energy will be poured into catching up on Sirenia Digest before I can begin writing The Sun Always Shines on TV (novella, sequel to Living a Boy's Adventire Tale). I think my healing and nutrition finally has me thinking clearly again. I swear, only now do I appreciate how sick I was. Two weeks today since the dentist.
I had a short convwrsation with Jun Ebersole this afternoon, and then I had a long conversation with Mike Polcyn, plioplatecarpine systemartics and taxonomy, mostly. I not only have to get the writing back under control, I'm lead investigator on a large mosasaur study, responsible for it all, and that slipped ALSO over the last two or three weeks. It could not be helped, but that doesn't make me feel all that much better. Oh, Jun and I mostly talked about the Bashi Marl work.
Dune II! We are almost there!
Okay. I should wrap this up. I'm supposed to RP w/Z (Our RP has suffered greatly from my illness). But a reminder to please visit
the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. There are so many bills right now, and just the goddamn cost of fucking living. So, there's cool stuff in the shop. Thank you.
And So It Goes,
Aunt Beast
11:12 a.m.