"If they could see how the sun's settin' fast..."

Feb 17, 2024 16:41

Feel much better today, though there was a lot of pian this morning aroud the site of the wisdom tooth extraction. But I got it under control. And I'm eating solid food. In a couple of weeks I'll be able to eat things I have not eaten in three year

Much cooler today as a cold front moves across the South. Our high was only 40F, with overcast skies.

Another productove day. I was up at 5 a.m. (though I woke at 4:30). I made some coffee (mostly cream), had yogurt. And then got back to proofreading and line editing. I made it through more than a hundred pages today. I'll finish this phrase of editing the ms. tomorrow. Maybe by next week I can tell you what it is. So, that was most of the work for the day, hours of tedium. Sorry, I hate editing. Once reason (but only one) that I do not write in drafts. That would, to me, be utterly soul crushing. I also did an hour on the Bashi Marl sample. I accepted an invitation to an anthology, which I do not often do. I get a lot of invitations, and mostly I pass. In part it's because I have to write twelve stories a year for Sirenia Digest, so if I write for an editor, that adds significantly to my short-fiction obligation, and...well..other reasons. I have to pick and choose with care. But today, it was a good one, and I could not say no.

I need to get started in earnest on MP 2.0.

Last night we watched the first three episodes of The New Look, another very, very good WWII drama. Check it out. Between it and Masters of the Air, I get two good shows a week now.

Please visit the Dreaming Squid shop. Thanks.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

2:51 p.m.

editing, cooler weather, bad teeth, short fiction, analog life, sirenia digest, the bashi marl, secrets, wwii, paper, eocene, proofreading, history, mp 2.0, good tv

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