"Let's nobody be dead today."

Dec 18, 2023 16:26

Sunny and cold here. Our high was 57F.

Today I felt somewhat more myself, though I still did not sleep much. I was able to work. I got emails off to Mike Polcyn and to Neil. I spent over two hours on the interview, and I'll probably need another two tomorrow to finish it. I remember now one reason I hate doing interviews, the time they take. I mixed up some thinner Butvar B-76 solution (polyvinyl butyral + dimethyl ketone) and did a little with the Bashi Marl material, which I have been ngelcting, though I am very near done with it. I dusted my filthy desk.

That is so much better than many of my days the last few months.

I began reading Gene Kranz' autobiography, Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond.

The afternoon's film was James Cameron's Avatar (2009). I loved this film when it was new, and I am still very fond of it. But. Big but. Jesus, it needed a better screenplay than the one Cameron wrote. I am almost never happy with the dialogue in this scripts. Also, almost without exception, there seems an unevenness in the direction of the human characters and the Navi characters. The humans are generally wooden and one dimensional, while the Navi are, for the most part, well acted. It's a strange thing about this film. And it's not the actors. I know Sigourney Weaver can act. Anyway, Zoe Saldana remains the best part of the cast, and the SFX mostly still impress.

Please visit the Dreaming Squid Dundries shop. Things are tight here. The sales help immensely.

Later Tater Bugs,
Aunt Beast

2:40 p.m.

gene kranz, bashi marl, nasa, good movies, money, james cameron, the bashi marl, 2009, good days, mike polcyn, eocene, interviews, autobiography, neil, avatar

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