The clouds are here, though it is still fairly warm. Our high was 78F.
This will be very short, because instead of writing last night I finally hit the wall, hard. I had intended to write, but I lay down at 11:30 p.m. and woke at almost 7 a.m. And spent the day mostly in a fog. Tonight, I will try to write the sixth interlude, one dealing with the Black Dahlia, a subject of which I have a near encyclopedia knowledge, and will be a very hard interlude to make come out the way I want. So, I may have a couple of false starts. And I have to stay on track with MP 2.0, but I can only do that free of guilt when the fiction is getting written.
Something I said today on Facebook: Dismantling the old world does not automatically equal the emergence of a new world. It is an astoundingly shortsighted endeavor, almost sure to fail and to fail violently. Actually, over the last few centuries, revolutions have failed at a rate slightly higher than 80%. I did my homework. If that were a revolver, and the failed revolutions were bullets, would you spin the cylinder and pull the trigger?
Please visit
the Dreaming Squid Sundries Shop. The Holiday/Xmas sale has begun. Our first big bargain is copies of
the trade hardback of Vile Affections at below cover price, a mere $30 (vs. the cover price of $40). We are only selling twenty-five copies at this price. And it's first come first served.
Today's photos, the final resting place of our 2023 pumpkin.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
2:45 p.m.