Very hot. Our high was 94F, with a heat index of 104F.
I hear thunder in the distance.
I don't know what's weirder. That
I have an IMDb page or that it claims I was a guest on the Today show in 2017.
Today I finished James M. Scott's Black Snow: Curtis LeMay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb and began Thomas Wolfe's The Bonfire of the Vanities, which I've never read.
I want to include here the text of something I saw on Twitter and shared on Facebook, so I have it for posterity. Whoever said this is wise, indeed: "We are in the midst of the longest, saddest, most excruciating and unsatisfying I told you so in the history of the world."
Four documetaries today, all about airplane crashes.
Please visit
the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Thanks.
I leave you with Lydia's Princess Jellyfish toy. You're welcome.
Aunt Beast
1:48 p.m.