Sad, Sick World Redux (307)

Jun 04, 2023 16:32

Very sunny today. A high of 89F, with fairly low humdity, 34%.

I woke at 4:30 a.m., was up at 5, and at 5:30 I began work on "The Moment Under the Moment." I did 1,023 words. Then I lay back down and slept another hour. Later, I worked on one of Winifred cervicals.

I'm now reading William K. and Nicholas P. Klingaman's The Year Without a Summer: 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History.

The dead armadillo is still right where it was yesterday.

Please visit the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Yes, I say this a lot. But these days, a decent amount of our income comes by way of that shop. So, thank you.

And on that note, I leave you with something that doesn't make my head hurt, Lydia on her sixth birthday.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

10:17 a.m.

birthdays, stupidity, lunacy, toxic activism, lydia, science vs. politics, "the moment under the moment", poetry, jerry coyne, pseudoscience, astronomy, 1816, science, bad science, mosasaurs, postmodernist toxicity, yeats, western civilization, volcanoes, tolkien, new zealand, the māori

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