Hot day. Sunny. The high was 94˚F, with a heat index of 102˚F, and I had to go out in it.
But, all is all, a lost day. I was ill last night, and it lingered into the morning. I was supposed to go to McWane today, but I had to email Jun and tell him I was down for the day. I really, really needed to go.
This morning, I worked on MP 1.3 a little. Mostly, I proofread it and tweaked the text here and there. Truthfully, both mss. are almost done. MP 1.2 needs an abstract, the discussion section (mostly phylogeny), and MP 1.2 needs an abstract. They both needs the figures, because I hate Photoshop and I've been dragging my feet on that. Assuming I'm well enough, I'll do the abstracts tomorrow, and I'll do the figures this weekend. I have to have a conversation with Mike P. before I can write the discussion section for MP 1.2.
I read "A histological investigation of dental crown characters used in mosasaur phylogenetic analyses" from Vertebrate Anatomy, Morphology, and Paleontology.
Oh, by the way, Airbnb really is one of the most evil things in the history of evil things.
Really...a lousy day.
The afternoon's film was George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
4:05 p.m.