“The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.”

Jul 21, 2022 17:29

Very hot today, and as of about and hour and a half ago, very stormy. Our high was 94˚F, with a heat index of 107˚F.

More work on MP 1.3 this morning, but the worst is behind me. Oh, and I was awake at 5 a.m. again. I wake to immediate anxiety, and there's no getting back to sleep. And the mornings alone awake are dreadful.

I talked to Bill Schafer by email this morning, and then Merrilee called at 2 and we talked about various projects and...things I'm not going to repeat now, because it's only more terror and anxiety and depression. But it was good talking with her.

The afternoon's film was Ridley Scott's Prometheus (2012).

I promise, Sirenia Digest #97 will go out to subscribers tomorrow evening.

And I'm posting this again: So, here's a thing I'm going to do. As I said yesterday, Living a Boy's Adventure Tale is going to be serialized in the next three issues of Sirenia Digest. And I want to give people who are not currently subscribers a crack at getting the issues, so we're going to put each one up on the Big Cartel shop a day or two after they go out to subscribers. They'll be $10 each, same as subscribers pay per issue (SD has not raised it's price since its first issue late in 2005). The three issues will come down in September, so this will be a limited offer. I'll let you know here when the first one goes up.

And that's all for now.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

1:40 p.m.

merrilee, "living a boy's adventure tale", heat, big cartel, mp1.3, phylogenetics, anxiety, fear, prometheus, sirenia late, not enough sleep, electricity, mosasaurs, ridley scott, thunderstorms, apple, bill

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