Cloudy most of the day and much cooler. Our high was 91˚F, with the heat index at 95˚F.
An odd day, and I did not get done half of what I would like to have gotten done. But there was a very good phone conversation with Mike Polcyn. I'd come to a bit of an impasse with MP 1.2, a big bump I hit last Thursday, and he sorta talked me in off the ledge.
I need to send a new bio to Nan Goldin's people.
The afternoon's film was del Toro's Pacific Rim (2013).
Spooky had to take my Dell laptop (my gaming machine) down 280 to Best Buy. Several keys died, and although we'd ordered the new keyboard from Amazon, neither of us was about to try to make the swap ourselves. She got stuck in traffic on the way, and what should have been a twenty minute trip took over an hour. I get my computer back on Thursday. Until then, it's just me and the Macs.
Anyway, that was today.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
1:11 p.m. (Spooky's birthday boots)