Cowboys and Zombies and Billionaires

Feb 22, 2022 18:07

I woke to deep gloom this morning (photo below), but about 3 p.m. the sun emerged, in fits and starts. The temperature made it to 76˚F, which is also our current temperature. My office window is open. It's marvelous. Spring is so near. The trees are getting buds.

Another good work day. I did layout, etc. on two more issues of Sirenia Digest, nos. 188 and 189. I was supposed to go into McWane, but I decided it was better not to risk losing momentum. It is a huge fucking weight off my shoulders, getting the digest moving again.

Today is 2/22/22, and on this day I signed the 22nd copy of the numbered Centipede Press edition of Houses Under the Sea: Mythos Tales to Cristine Larsen, who won it from us recent via eBay. And I drew her a monster doodle, and slipped in a couple of surprises. Thank you, Cristine.

This afternoon's comfort film was the extended cut of James Cameron's Aliens (1986). It's such a different film than Alien (1979), and it honestly has not aged as well. The worst of this may be how much it looks like an eighties film. I watch Alien, and nothing screams "This was made in the 1970s!" Not so with Aliens. God, some of the hair and clothing.

Last night we watched the first three episodes of Mayor of Kingstown, another series from the creators of Yellowstone and 1883. It's very good, and it's nice to see Jeremy Renner getting a chance to stretch far beyond Hawkeye.

Please have a look at the current eBay auctions. I just checked, and rent still ain't free.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

7:31 a.m.

mythos tales, 1986, mayor of kingstown, good movies, working, momentum, houses under the sea, warmer weather, aliens, spring, february, mcwane, clouds, 1979, sirenia late, sirenia digest, james cameron, ridley scott, monster doodles, good tv

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