"In this place, it seems like such a shame..."

Jan 15, 2022 17:44

Overcast all day, and our high was 52˚F.

A good day, by which I mean a productive day. I spent four hours this morning typing up notes on a chapter I agreed to review for a forthcoming book on marine reptiles. And I'm getting ready to make a third go at The Night Watchers on Monday. Tomorrow will be spent on revisions to a turtle paper that's getting submitted later this month. But, after several useless days, it was good to work.

This afternoon I watched a Ken Burns documentary about Huey P. Long, and then a documentary about the US' 1936 Olympic rowing team (American Experience).

I have not left the house since Christmas Eve, when we visited my mother.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

2:34 p.m.

documentaries, outside, clouds, ken burns, turtles, the night watchers, mom, xmas, mosasaurs, work, american experience

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