"You're right about the moon, but you're wrong about the stars."

Nov 27, 2021 17:52

Sunny and chilly today. After an overnight low of 31˚F, we made it to 61˚F. It is currently 58˚F. But warmer weather is on the way.

I finished Dune Messiah today and began Richard Adams Shardik. I was six years old when Dune Messiah was published, and I was ten when Shardik hit the stands. A whole 'nother age ago.

After Shardik, I'm gonna reread Children of Dune.

This afternoon two documentaries, a Nova on Dunkirk and an American Experience about Leopold and Loeb.

My gender is flip-flopping again. This is what gender fluidity means to me. About five years ago the needle swung sharply towards M. Now it's swinging sharply towards F. At 57, I kinda wish it would just settle in the middle somewhere. The highs and lows of my gender's tidal pull is an exhausting thing.

We had the last of the Gobbler Cobbler for dinner.

No eBay up at the moment, but lots'a cool things at mine and Spooky's Red Bubble shop.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

12:36 p.m.

the gobbler cobbler, documentaries, dune, science fiction, frank herbert, dunkirk, bears, good books, monster doodles, reading, gender, then vs. now, american experience, richard adams

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