Dec 21, 2007 22:33
I've been feeling quite a bit better lately, now that I've physically come to a halt and stopped myself from stressing and worrying. Moo and I had this great moment while driving around yesterday, singing Madonna and vogueing. Moo has been so great during all of my little break-downs. Just now she walked by and when she heard what I was listening to she stopped and started doing this ecstatic druggie dance that made me laugh. And earlier tonight Laura and I took the long way to her apartment and talked about how much we want to move away, but how much it breaks our hearts to leave our family. It just helps to remember that I'm not alone in feeling all of this.
I think that at long long last all of my holiday shopping is finished, save for one DVD I wanted to get for Dad, but hopefully I can pick that up tomorrow. Tonight we're having our Mom Christmas, so we each got to open one present before bed. I opened one from Laura, and she gave me the punk vegan cookbook I've been eyeing for months! I sat right down and read the beginning of the book, then browsed the rest of the recipes. Just reading it made me feel all homey and warm. I can't wait until the day when I have my own warm and cozy kitchen in my own warm and cozy cottage. I think I'd like to give veganism a try, but it'll have to wait until I leave the south again. I have enough trouble just being a strict vegetarian around here. Tomorrow is more Mom Christmas, then Sunday is extended family Christmas, then Monday is sisters' Christmas, then Christmas Eve/morning is Dad Christmas, and finally Christmas day is real family Christmas, i.e. everyone except for the yuppie section of the family, who can't bring themselves to emerge from their mansion on December 25. We don't mind, though, because we have a better time without them, to be honest.
My new corset arrived in the mail today, and it is beautiful. Purple and black, steel-boned, and gorgeous. I can't wait to break it in. I hope that Lane and David are still up for doing something on New Year's. What better way to break in a new corset than with a new year?
I received a Christmas card from Devon. She said that she still loves me and thinks about me. Though I'm no longer bitter about our parting of ways, I'm kind of happy to know that this time next year even my Dad's postal address will be outdated, and she'll have no way to contact me at all. I say that life is too short to try to sustain or nurture poisonous relationships. I have much better ways to expound my energy.