What Do We Want? Equality! When Do We Want It? Now!

Mar 26, 2013 13:45

If the Grump Cat himself says "Yes." to marriage equality, it must be good. For years, the LGBTQ community has rallied; petitioned; and marched for equality. Many hurdles have been cleared and many more remain.

As I was scrolling on Facebook today, I saw a literal flood of red and pink equality symbols for profile pictures. I won't even mention how many posts I saw shouting marriage equality covering my news feed. So many rally together and so many more join this political war every single day, yet the government continues to deny us? What we seem to have forgotten is WE put those people in that position. WE gave them that power, and WE can strip it just as easily.

United we stand. Divided we fall.


transgender, transsexual, equality, equal, grumpy cat, facebook, marriage, transvestite, trans, bisexual, gay, hrc, lgbtq, lesbian

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