It's Ok To Be Different - Or Is It?

Mar 20, 2013 13:24

All over Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the news we see slogans such as "NO H8!", "FK H8!", GetEqual, "It's OK 2B Different", The Trevor Project, It Gets Better, etc. There are several different projects out there spreading the news that it's ok to be different and stand up for people you see being bullied because they're different. There's a news station that sets up various "What Would You Do?" situations in public places where somebody is bashing somebody else for the most hot button reasons (gender, sexuality, etc.) and I can see the looks on these peoples' faces. It's almost like they're thinking "Is it really ok to be different?" I just wanted to answer that question.


Be different! Be strong. You are NEVER alone. If you're suicidal, call this number: 1-800-273-8255. This will get you directly to a person that cares. Talk to them. They are there to listen to you. If you don't want to call the number, call your friend; your priest; your pastor; your teacher; your counselor; ANYBODY! Don't hurt yourself. Don't think you're alone.The Trevor Project

If you're being bullied at school, at home, at work, talk to somebody. Find somebody to tell that will listen. Don't be ashamed to tell your teacher, your principal, your parents. Find somebody who will listen to you, even if it's a complete stranger.

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It's OK 2B D!FF3R3NT!

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drag queen, transgender, transsexual, trevor project, suicidal, getequal, gay, no h8, unique, suicide, prevention, different, club kid, transvestite, fck h8, bi

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