Hi hi

Jun 27, 2011 15:15

So. I still read posts on here, but I no longer post. I post to Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr enough to not need to post here too.

I honestly thought about deleting this entire journal - all 10 years of it. I still might. I don't really care about the things that happened 10, 5, 2 years ago, enough to actually keep them. Honestly, i don't even want them around much - all that pain contained in one handy internet site. Ugh.

But I will still read and comment. I read my friend's page every couple of days, cause i care about you guys. :) But no more posts from me here.

If you want here's:

my Tumblr: http://fashionbigot.tumblr.com/ (lots of my pictures are there - doing a lot of hipstamatic and instagram stuff lately.)
my twitter name is greycat

And facebook me if you haven't already geez!
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