Nov 27, 2010 16:46
Prayer, by Galway Kinnell
Whatever happens. Whatever
what is is is what
I want. Only that. But that.
xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx xOx
written 16 June 2010
Blue sky, the plants glowing in the brightness of the sun. A pattern of shadows on piled rocks. Sweat on my skin, the wind playing my hair across my face, stroking the pads of my fingers. The sound of tires on the road, birds in the air, music in my ears. Eyes closed, eyes open-- the same, so bright.
This moment. Let me wrap it around me, a cocoon, a perfection. Let this moment be eternity. Let me disappear into it, let me live it forever. Let me become this moment, let it consume my heart, let all that I am be this. Just this, just