flying down from the roof of the world

Aug 18, 2007 21:40

So. Am back in Kathmandu. Am also mostly caught up on livejournal backlog, thanks to having a few hours to spare today. Joy and happiness, oh yes. It's nice to be outside the Great Firewall of China again.

But sad, sad indeed to have reached the end of my time in Tibet. It was . . . incredible. Incredible indeed. Now there's only the goodbyes left to do, and I hate goodbyes. I hate long ones, especially, and prefer them short. They're incredibly awkward as people try and fail to say all the things they should have said before, stumbling under the pressure of leaving a meaningful impression and stuffing all their emotions into a single moment.

I always keep my goodbyes short, and sometimes I try to avoid saying them at all. I can't stand closing doors like that, cutting things off, closing the book of a relationship or journey. And so I never consider goodbyes final, and I try to say everything I want to say well before the goodbye-time has been reached. I can only hope that people understand enough to realize that the reason is not any lack of feeling on my part, but rather an excess of it, and that what I'm really saying with my awkward smile and wave is "I'll be meeting you again, so let's not make a production of this."

traveling, really deep thoughts, introspection, dreams, nepal, memory, tibet

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