Happy New Year

Jan 02, 2008 12:59

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year. May 2008 be far better that 2007 for each and every one of you. Hope you all had a good time ringing in this New Year, I expect to read and hear some good stories from the debouched group you all are.

As usual I have not made any New Years resolutions. Personally the resolutions I make to better myself are made on an almost weekly basis. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy.

And sorry to the Chicago crew for not heading on out to join in the celebration, specifically Ian, Carrie and the Savages. Between the snow and Steph having a bad chest cold we opted for staying in. More than likely we'll be back out during the Spring or Summer so we'll trot on out then.

We're still away from home and will be heading back on Sunday. In all honesty it's great seeing family and friends but I actually miss Philly in all it's gun filled glory. It'll be nice to be home soon.
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