A sortof step back in the right direction.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-24377994 I hope ppl can learn the difference between nature and freedom loving Naturists, and those other members of the public who want to do other stuff in the nude and are better tarred with the general term of nudist. Thus I hope you can learn the difference between Naturists and those other ppl, nudists.
For those who want to learn more and are maybe still confused, there are other groupings you may want to distance your conservative selves from - those exhibitionists, pervs and curious naive weirdo's lurking in the sand dunes are the meerkats. And personally I think what better place for them to hide themselves away? They can satisfy each other and not be a bother to 'normal' folk cos they are safely out of the way. Why go out of your way to look for them if you are not interested or curious yourself?? But I'm all for education, so maybe those Mrs Whitehouse's out there *should* go trample and destroy the innocent sand dunes and learn that the sky won't fall down on them if other ppl do different things out of the way on an isolated beach!
Sheesh, get back to your couch potato, the dog's getting lonely.