Yep, haven't disappeared yet. It's been a while since I posted and I feel I should amend that, but really, I just hadn't been wanting to talk. Last September I both turned 40, and lost my good friend and favorite cousin David - both on the same day. Either of these events are prone to make one melancholy and depressed, but both were a bit more than I was up for coping with. I spent much of this last year being quietly depressed, and that all put it in overdrive. I had several months of shuffling his book collection and furniture around my house, consoling mutual friends, quietly arguing with the injustice of mortality, and finally have climbed up to quietly toasting him at tea when no one shows (he always showed early, everyone else usually late). There are many things I'm still possessing, still grieving over, but I'd like to think I'm finally making headway out of the gloom.
Part of that seems to be me making my life incredibly busy. I'm back in school over at BCC, taking five classes (Intro to Speech, Critical Thinking, College Transfer Prep., Intro to Fiction and a Math class) and running two games (Traveller and WoD). I'm taking the writing class more to break out of Writer's block than anything else - it's my "for fun class" (because I need more units like a hole in the head).
I'm hoping the being busy doesn't make my life implode, but it beats the grand fun of insomnia and feeling stoically miserable.