I haven't written about the They Might Be Giants show at The Egg in Albany! First of all, The Egg really IS that strange. Sean and I were standing outside of it thinking, "Is this . . . right?" Or as John Flansburgh says, "You can never get used to it." Also, Albany itself was very surreal. We were in what looked like a downtown district at 6:00 on a Saturday night and pretty much every restaurant and business was closed. We saw a total of maybe six people walking around outside. We thought there might have been some sort of zombie holocaust. I was personally a bit creeped out.
The show, however, was SO AWESOME. We were several rows back, but the place wasn't packed and as soon as Flansburgh said, "Come down to the stage! Get better seats!" Sean and I booked it. We ended up leaning against the stage directly underneath Flans! Like, at times I could have touched his crotch with my face. But I politely restrained myself. I was kind of hoping to get my nose broken by the neck of his guitar, but that didn't happen either. They played another great set and their in-between banter was extra silly. I think they were probably really tired because they had done a kids show earlier in the day. Being that close RULES. We got to see things that people further back missed, like John Linnell doing a really goofy little dance near downstage right. At one point he was playing his accordion center stage and he spotted Sean and smiled at him! It was one of the cutest things I've ever witnessed. I've decided that it's best to do the Ana Ng dance when you're pressed against the stage, because then you can also do that thing from the video where you bang your arms and fists down in front of you to the beat of the music. Linnell actually explained what "Bee of the Bird of the Moth" means. I didn't take this moment lightly, because I know that explanations aren't just handed out like that! It made me feel special.
We stayed at the Red Carpet Inn. (heh heh heh) The place was a total styhole! There were exposed wires everywhere and a randomly huge walk-in closet with what looked like a car part on the floor. Also, a random collection of chairs that didn't match in true garage sale fashion arranged in a circle and a huuuuge TV stand containing a 13'' P.O.S. (That's "Piece of Shit," to the layperson.) We also had, as Sean put it, "A great view of a much nicer hotel!" It was highly unpleasant but really funny at the same time. Tiring trip, but worth it for a really great show!
Here's a picture of the setlist from the Portsmouth, NH show and the setlist from the Albany show!