Truly, this journal has truly become a place I run to just to complain about my writing process and flounder around with my plot bunnies. -lol- I apologize audience. Then again - maybe you guys find it interesting to watch, so there's always that...
Today's subject is about #903. For those that don't remember/never read it, it was mostly an NC-17 story I had about Ruki hooking up with Kyo using a stupid game for the sake of the Gazette blowing off steam. Cute story, but it was more of an excuse for me to learn how to write sex scenes. When I first started writing Kyo/Ruki, I honestly didn't know how to write a good sex scene. Nor was I very confident in the few I had written before. It's probably the biggest reason why the UST in OUaK was so long and drawn out. I can admit now that I was afraid of writing the sex scene and making it believable for my readers so I never did for that story. Shame on me, I know. >.>
So! Bringing this back to #903, I actually never had a plot for this story. Like... at all. The most plot I put into the story was in the first chapter when I described the game and that was it. After Kyo and Ruki have their hookup, I literally had no ideas for where the story went afterwards. Because, y'know, I'm a brilliant writer like that. LMAO *smacks self on the head* But I would LOVE to finish #903 and bring it over to AO3 where I've been posting all my works. Meaning: this writer needs to come up with an actually plot for the story to sustain itself. I know there's such a thing as porn without a plot or plot what plot for NC-17 stories, but I feel the chapters I have could actually lead somewhere.
For those that DO NOT want to be spoiled when it comes to the future plot of #903, DO NOT read beyond this line. From here on out I will be divulging the plot and a lot of major spoilers for the story. Read at your own risk!!
My current thought process for a possible plot kind of runs along the lines of this: Ruki has a crush on Kyo and has for a while but he’s never approached anyone he likes before so he keeps it to himself. Knowing this, his friends hook him up purposely with Kyo without his knowledge and play it off as a draw from the matchmaking game. Surprised but excited, Ruki and Kyo have their amazing weekend which sparks Kyo’s interest in Ruki in more than a professional view from before. Sadly, Ruki's too shy to ask Kyo out so they go their separate ways after three days. When he returns to his friends, Ruki admits to having the most amazing weekend only for things to turn sour when someone (probably Aoi) lets it slip that they had set it up. That Kyo never gave any of them his number and that they had in fact made an agreement with Kyo ahead of time so that he would spend the weekend with Ruki. Devastated that it was all a lie, Ruki gets upset with his friends and later, when Kyo calls to ask him out, turns him down because he thinks Kyo is still playing a part.
(At one point my muses wanted to change this so instead of Kyo being in a band, he was a hired escort/host who the boys paid to sleep with Ruki so he wouldn’t feel like he was undesirable - of course that route would have backfired even more in their faces if Ruki found out they essentially paid his date to sleep with him.)
After that, Ruki and Kyo don’t talk to each other again. Ruki is depressed and avoiding his band and the boys feel like shit for it. Finally Kyo gets fed up with being ignored by Ruki, and now the other members of Gazette, and forces Ruki’s address out of Kai as his part of the deal. At Ruki’s apartment, Kyo asks him point blank if he likes him, Ruki flounders but admits he does - more than he let on - and Kyo tells him that he greatly enjoyed their time together and would like to repeat it. Many times, preferably after dinner or before. He hears that people who date tend to eat meals together and go out and do things together. But that’s optional. Astonished, Ruki asks if he certain and instead of answering Kyo pushes him further into the apartment and shows him. The end...
Now that's one way the story could go. Simple and clean. A nice little drama thrown in the mix of a lot of sex for us to drool over, but none of the original details from the first story need to be changed or adjusted to make that version work. Well… Unless I change it so Kyo’s a host hired to seduce Ruki. -lol-
But then my muses took one look at that and decided... We can do better than that. Much better.
Enter plot #2! This one was kind of a roller coaster and involves adding in two little oneshots I kind of half-wrote but never posted.
The story would start out with Ruki having a secret admirer. Not surprising, the band has been gaining a lot of popularity lately and they've all had the rabid fan or two that's given the band member more attention they need or want. Normally they just inform their management or security team and that fan is removed and their gifts/letters never make it to the band ever again. Easy. Except Ruki actually likes his current admirer. This person has a way with words, always in typed letters, but they're thought provoking and always show a genuine concern for Ruki's well being and mental state. Also, his secret admirer is really good at picking out gifts. Never expensive or perishable, but something Ruki could use or needs. Weirdly accurate, which is what worries his friends, but Ruki likes the attention because (like in the original #903) Ruki has horrible luck in dating. It’ll probably be more extreme than I had in the original story, something to add that extra bit of caution the rest of band wishes Ruki would apply to his admirer but he won’t because he’s got a crush.
To combat this, the guys purposely set Ruki up with a date - making sure he gets a pre-approved match from the dating game of theirs. Kyo is a member of the Gazette road crew who’s been with them for a few years now. He’d tried making a go of it with his own band but Tommy never saw their band perform, so they were never picked up by Firewall and eventually Kyo remained as a roadie instead of a singer. Kai knows Kyo has had a crush on Ruki for some time and is the one to approach Kyo about taking Ruki out for a weekend because Kai thinks Kyo’s harmless and while a little quiet he’s not stalker material. (Ha ha) Surprise, surprise - Kyo’s actually Ruki’s secret admirer and believes that this weekend could be his chance to show Ruki how good they could be together. And it goes great! Beyond amazing. Except for the fact that when Kyo asked Ruki out on the last day, Ruki turned him down. Claiming he’s in love with someone else, Ruki turns Kyo down in what he believes is a gentle manner.
Because in Ruki’s mind, while this weekend with Kyo had been amazing, he couldn’t help but wonder what his secret admirer must think of him. He knows his admirer has to be someone close to know the things they do, he wonders if he’s hurt them terribly by spending a weekend with Kyo. Upset by that, Ruki decides to take charge of things and ask his admirer to come forward so that they can give their relationship a chance because Ruki believes they could be good together. Not realizing that Kyo’s the admirer, Ruki breaks his heart and attempts to contact the secret admirer. In his pain, Kyo stops writing or reading Ruki’s letter and turns cold towards Ruki in person. Poor Ruki is panicking. His secret admirer has vanished, perhaps for good because he slept with Kyo, and the only other person that showed they liked him is also ignoring him.
Barely holding it together, Ruki lashes out at Kyo during rehearsals one day without meaning to. It was a mistake and one he would have apologized for if Kyo hadn’t snapped back. Emotions running high, the two get into a fight that goes on for weeks. It follows them during tour and finally comes to a head just before the final live show. Concerned for his friend, Kai pulls Kyo aside and tells him that after their tour finishes he’s ask that Kyo be transferred to another band. Still angry, Kyo tells Kai to go fuck himself and quits instead. After tour, Ruki has some time on his hands and decides to do some digging. He knows his secret admirer has to be someone that works with the band; management, road crew, tour goods… It has to be someone he knows and he’s going to find out who it is and finally tell them how he feels and make things right.
Before he can really sink his teeth into the investigation, his manager surprises him by telling Ruki that his secret admirer dropped off another gift. The gift ends up being a… uh, something - not quite certain what - and a letter. Whatever the item is, it’s something Ruki left at the hotel that Kyo’s been carrying with him as a sort of memento but he’s returning it to Ruki, alongside a hand-written note that Kyo wrote admitting to everything; him being the secret admirer, his agreement with Kai, the joy over their weekend together and his heartbreak when Ruki admitted he loved someone else. Since Kyo is leaving the road crew, the music scene altogether, he feels telling Ruki about his love will also help him end that part of his life. He wishes Ruki well and hopes he and whoever he loves have a happy life together. Cue Ruki’s ruination when he realizes he broke the heart of the very man he wanted to be with.
Sadly, true to his word, Kyo disappears from the music industry - from Tokyo entirely. He returns to Kyoto to take some time to decide what he’ll do next now that he has no career. Only to be shocked when Ruki arrives on his doorstep after nearly threatening his manager to learn where Kyo’s last cheque was being forwarded to. After confirming it to be true, needing to hear in person that Kyo is his secret admirer and that he really did love Ruki, Ruki confesses to his own love. Not just because of their weekend together, but everything Kyo wrote and all he did for Ruki before that and the two reconcile - with sex. -lol- The end.
Now… My biggest problem is that I love both versions. In a perfect world, maybe I would have wrote both versions, but I know me. Once I’d write out one version it would become the story’s only plot and I’d never write the other. So my dilemma is which version should I write? I know I went into a lot more detail with the second one - some might think that means I favor it - but the first plot doesn’t have as much detail because it would focus more on the physical connection the two feel during those three days. Meaning it would probably have the more sex and physical interaction as those three days are when most of the connection between the two is made. Most of the story would happen within a week or so in the first version. Whereas the second version would have sex in it but it would be 50/50 with the drama that comes before and after their weekend together; it would also progress over a longer period of time so I wouldn’t focus on as much of the smaller things like the first story would hinge on.
Decisions, decisions...