I finally got around to finishing up that squad of ork boyz that's been sitting on my desk for, oh I don't know, four months. I dunno what it is that keeps me from painting any faster, but at least I've made some progress towards a 500 point ork army.
I've also learned a valuable lesson. The gloss coat should be applied after the static grass. One of my orks is now covered in grass. Ha! But speaking of bases, I thought that I'd try a terracotta base color, brown ink wash, and dry-brushed with white. It worked out okay, I think.
The new ink washes put out by Games Workshop suck. They go on easier and are much less a pain in the ass since the ink doesn't need to be thinned out or mixed with anything. However, the results are not as good as the inks. I think that I'll have to see about stocking up on the inks before they're completely sold out (unless I'm already too late).
Next up, Warmachine! Just five figures to paint, then I can get back to the orks.