Jul 18, 2010 01:59
I had "one of those days" yesterday. By yesterday, I mean Friday, though it does get difficult for me to keep track of the individual ones anymore. It started even before I woke up.
I had a dream, and it wasn't fun. It wasn't so bad as to be called a nightmare, but it set things off to a bad start. The dream had me back working in retail. In fact, I was back at the job I had before moving out here to Ohio. For some reason, I was the only person working in the store and it was packed with pushy, entitled assholes. The owners would occasionally appear to bitch me out for doing a really poor job, though they never offered to help. That's really all I remember of it, but for whatever reason it really had me irritated.
Then I logged onto the 'net. One of the first things I saw on AOL's homepage was the news that West Virginia had named a replacement for the recently deceased Senator Robert Byrd. For some reason, the name of his replacement sounded very familiar, but I couldn't place why. Then I got to Facebook, and found out. I went to college with him. He was a year ahead of me, and a Philosophy major, so I didn't know him well. Or really at all, beyond the name. He was in the fraternity that lived next door, and was active in the Greek community to some degree, so I knew of him. And some of my brothers knew him well enough. So for the next couple months, until the replace him through an election in November, the junior Senator from West Virginia is someone I went to college with. It just seems weird. I think it was just this idea that someone my age, that I sort of knew, is a Senator, while I'm unemployed just kind of hit me. I dunno.
And the third bit of irritation I had was when I finally got off my arse and went out in search of Birds of Prey #3. It wasn't in my pull at Laughing Ogre as it should have been, but I didn't realize that at the time. I hadn't noticed it when we were at Packrat, either. But I knew it came out, since people mentioned reading it on Twitter. Or I should say, they mentioned on Twitter that they had read it. So I went to Black Hole Comix, as I hadn't been there in a while and thought they might have it. No luck. I asked, but he was only able to tell me that he hadn't received any copies this week and was only due to receive 4 copies this coming week. Since I was only a couple of miles away anyway, I headed back to Packrat, and asked Jamie. He said that he'd been called by DC on Tuesday and told that they hadn't printed enough for the whole country, and that it would be 3 weeks before they could get any out. I was very disappointed at that point, since BoP is one of the few bright spots in this whole Brightest Day crap, and one of my favorite titles overall.
So that all added up to a rather crappy day. Otherwise not much is going on. Doctor Who has been over now for a couple of weeks, and its absence is felt. Personally, I loved the finale and the series as a whole. And of the three Doctors I've seen, Eleven is my favorite. Christmas seems so far away!
We have been watching other things. We've been marathoning our way through this and that lately. We watched four seasons of How I Met Your Mother, then both seasons of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. We also watched four seasons of Bones. We've now moved on to Supernatural. Wiccy'd seen up to the first season finale, so we started in the middle of the first season where I'd left off. Now we're a few episodes into the second season. I only have the first three seasons on DVD, so we should be on to whatever is next rather soon.
Oh, one other new development. We have cable now. Long time readers will remember that aside from one week when Time Warner had a minor glitch back in '05, I haven't had cable since '01. I had no intention of changing that, but the leasing company here decided that cable TV would be another little something extra that they would provide for residents, like the wifi they gave us a year and a half ago. It's just the basic package, but still 70 channels is better than the none we've had for the last year. We do have a hard time remembering that things are on, like The Daily Show and the Colbert Report. But it's there, and has been nice.
Wiccy's sleeping right now, and I'm rewatching some old episodes of Glee on Hulu. Hopefully I'll be able to get to bed soon though.
doctor who,
sarah connor chronicles,