The good times are killin' me...

Feb 05, 2005 16:29

So uh, yeah...apparently I'm the luckiest man alive!

This afternoon whilst stopping at the UPS Store to mail some packages, I committed the ultimate stupid motorist move; I locked myself out of my car. Being the ultimate stupid motorist that I am, I didn't have a spare on me (not even one of those nifty lil' magnetic-under-the-car-keepers with one!).

After trudging back into the UPS Store and grinding my teeth a bit, I asked to use their phonebook, and with some prodding explained to the nice woman there that I was indeed, the ultimate stupid motorist. And can you believe what that saintly creature did then? She didn't cast me out into the cold February day! No no! She offered to let me use her AAA service to get back into my car! I swear I looked like Puss N' Boots from Shrek 2, I was so grateful and surprised.

After much lockpicking and thanking-while-prostrate, I went on my merry way to finish up my errands, and a beam of sunshiney goodness struck me. When my last errand was done I swung by Lake Grove Florist and ordered a cute lil' bouquet of mum daisies, or daisy mums, or whatever the cute lil' flower was that the chipper florist recommended as a sign of thanks and goodwill.

It occurred to me that being a florist must be a lot like being a bartender; empathizing with your customer's moods, offering sage pieces of wisdom and advice...and this woman was damn good at adding just the right things to the card I sent with the bouquet, and well, just being pleasant and matronly all-around. She turned into Puss N' Boots too when I explained the reason for the flowers too, hehe. It's the feel-good story of the year apparently =)

But my rainbows and lollipops were not to last. On the way home through Lake Oswego, a cop fell in behind me and I so totally got that spidey sense of "the bastard's gonna pull me over", and sure enough, the bastard did. (Backstory for those who don't know: not six months ago, not three blocks from that exact spot, I got pulled over by young-and-sexy-but-evil Officer Chad Steele for running a stop sign!) So yeah, not only was I expecting Mr. Porn Star Name again, but I was royally pissed at my sunny mood being blown.

And then the unexpected happened! Despite my driver's license information being outdated, despite my license plate tags being still flagged as "temporaries", lol, this kindly Sean Connery lookalike just said "You were doing 38 in a 25, might want to slow it down there a bit".

It was like if Puss N'Boots made sweet love to Pepe LePew and I was their wide-eyed lovestruck child at that point. I lost all sense of dignity and composure and asked if I could speak to him outside the car for a moment. So he looks at me a bit funny and says "sure, I've got a minute". As soon as I got out I basically unloaded all the events of the last hour in a gooshy "this kid's so good-natured he must be a stoned Mormon" kinda way. Thanked him for not giving me a ticket and so on and so forth.

And that brings me to here, where I am contentedly munching on damn fine sushi that I picked up in the course of my travels. The first episode of the second season of West Wing is cued up and ready to play once I'm done with this entry, and Rachelle, Lindsey and Amy and I are going to carouse around Portland later this evening. So yeah, I am most definitely the luckiest man alive right now...

Verba movent, exempla trahunt!!
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