New icon, yay! Tarsiers are most definitely my favorite animal. They are so FREAKIN cool man.
-- they're the smallest nocturnal primate
-- each eye can equal the weight of the brain
-- they have the ability to rotate their heads all the way around, much like owls
-- their ability to jump is amazing, each leg is twice the length of the rest of it's body
-- they trap insects by making a cage of their spindly little hands, though they also catch and kill birds larger than themselves, killing or at least immobilizing their prey with several bites, pinning them down and then dragging them to a perch where it is consumed HEAD FIRST
-- only two of their fingers on each hand posses claws, which are used for the grooming of their incredibly soft fur
-- they're born fully furred and with their eyes open, explaining the long gestation of six months
-- habitat is in southeast asia
You know, it's stuff like this that I would love to spend my life doing, finding, observing. It's just so interesting to me... even if it may have bored you to tears...
I love these things... cute and yet deadly...
today was quite fun, i haven't seen jenna for quite a while! haha,"cockrockets"...