Fandom Snowflake 2022 Challenges #9

Jan 18, 2022 02:01

Challenge #9

What are your top five fandoms for 2021 based on the amount of time you interacted with them?
1. DC's Arrowverse (specifically, Flash and LoT)
2. Forever Knight
3. Time Team
4. WKRP in Cinncinnati
5. Century City

What are your top five fandom spaces in terms of time spent? (AO3, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Dreamwidth, and others)
1. Dreamwidth
2. AO3
3. Fanlore
4. Youtube (rewatching old series)
5. Wikia (Fandom) wikis

What are the top five ways you interacted in these fandoms? (Reading fanfic, writing, commenting, watching videos, chatting with friends, making art, or anything else you can think of).
1. reading fanfic
2. writing
3. making webpages for my stories
4. rewatching canon
5. editing wiki articles

What are the top five things you did to contribute to fandom in terms of time? Did you write? Comment? Send positive energy into the universe? Create art?
1. thinking/planning fanfic, mulling over canon
2. taking part in fanfic gift exchanges
3. creating background graphics to (potentially) use on webpages
4. editing wiki articles
5. did the 25 Days of Writing meme, also the Snowflake and Sunshine Challenges

What things did you create that took the most time?
1. "If Well Lived"
2. "Crabapple Cove"
3. "The Mystery of Mantlemass"
4. "Stone Cold"
5. partly written sequel to "If Well Lived"

Five oldies-but-goodies I've been rewatching (generally on Youtube):
1. Time Team
2. WKRP in Cinncinnati
3. Man About the House
4. Century City
5. Walking with Dinosaurs (and sequels)

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