Sep 09, 2009 04:59
The transportation issue has become a problem. A problem that now has had me awake since 4 am. The van is in the shop once again, this time getting the CAT convertor lifted off the ground and the brakes finally done. Through a bit of my own stupidity I am driving my Father's car for at least today. It's a pleasant change from the clunky van although a little large for my liking.
To solve the car issue on my own, I think I have found similar to the scion that I had (and loved). I think I could do it but I would have to empty out the savings that I had to do it and buy used outright. Giving up the money just might be worth the freedom of not having to worry about when mom wants to use the van for whatever she needs (and it is still her's). I hate to part with that amount of money but being a temp and therefor having a hard time getting financing I am not seeing any real options at the moment.
There is a need to get to the "job that is too far away to get to without reliable transportation" and to get to Baltimore, and Grandma's.
Some of that money I had in savings has been there since I graduated and I had been saving it for a rainy day. Well, darling, I think it's pouring.
intel sponsors of tomorrow,
future splurge,
writer's block,