Nov 22, 2021 10:56
Tucker, my local partner, has bought a condo in Vancouver and is moving there in spring. Both my regular-ish partners will then live 1000km away. I'll be looking around for folks closer but that'll be a bit of a reach. Longer term stuff is not decided but.
My good friend Kelsey is coming to stay from the 2nd to the 12th (unrelatedly!). We can talk for hours and she's super awesome. We're both in kind of rough spaces right now. I'm so looking forward to seeing her. By the end of her visit I suspect I'll have a better perspective on things.
The flooding/destruction of all reasonable (<12 hour drive) connections to he south means that Josh's visit will be delayed till next week, which is probably for the best. It'll overlap with Kelsey's visit a little and that's ok.
Feed prices have risen from $170/bag to $210 and is no longer local due to a bad crop year. I will be doing a very substantial herd reduction both for $ and for my mental health, I need to be able to handle being pretty sad for awhile without being overloaded with animal chores.
I think my chimney is leaking air a little where it enters the stove, that or the gasket around the glass door is finally going. Stove is still workable but is accumulating soot around the glass and I suspect in the chimney faster than it should.
Duck and goose abattoir date is Dec 17th. I need to look into flying the meat down to customers and what that will cost.