(no subject)

Sep 05, 2007 06:03

Been way too long since last post, but in short here is an update....

Work: My bos keeps suprising me with new ways to prove he is an idiot.
Phill: My boy is about to start a new job this week (thursday), with AAMI. I'm very proud of him, but also a little jealous - it's only about the money though - I'm very happy with my job (apart from my twat of a boss)
Family: Mum & Steve are heading home. Should be another week or so & then I get to catch up with my mummy! Yay!
Garden: Everything (mostly) is starting to push, & apart from desperately needing a good mulching, the yard looks pretty awesome. Pics soon, I promise!
Gaming: Taking the lads on a differnet path at the mo. Seems to be working. Time will tell.
Life: Life rocks! (apart from my twat of a boss) Except for the sleeping habits going off again.. I guess it must be time for a string of insomniac-driven journal-babble, its 6am & I've been up for two hours already..... Getting ready for tafe soonish.

SO, there you go.
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