May 27, 2008 13:35
I woke up at 7:30 this morning after no sleep from hearing weird noises and cleo meow all night. I said fuck it. I was having cramps and tired as hell already. I set my alarm for 10:30 and went back to sleep missing class and all. I'm aware I shouldn't have done this but this morning I really didn't care. On my way out the door this morning I couldn't find the necklace I just bought, forgot my phone, and stepped on cleo. On the drive to work I got cut off and then almost rear-ended someone because some jackass switched lanes at the last minute. Oh and I tried adding this green tea powder stuff to my water today which was absolutely disgusting. It was not a good morning.
There is one really good thing about today though, and it is that Danielle is leaving California...the only bad thing about that is she can now spread her diseases in another state. Hahahahaha watch out boys of florida!
Despite my not so good morning and killer cramps I have, I'm in a decently mood. I have a lot of homework and a busy week but whatever, it always pulls through at the end. Besides, this saturday is morgan and I's party so that makes it that much better.
This past weekend was so nice. It was really good to be home. I did some yard work for my parents, went putt putting with joel and steve, hung out with vanessa (btw it is 10 dollars to see a freakin movie now) Sometimes I wish I was staying the summer at home, but I know if I did that it wouldn't turn out well, besides I wouldn't have a job. My cousin has a applied to 17 places in livonia, not one called back. It's baaad there. Everytime I go home another place has shut down. It's pathetic.
Classes need to be over, I need a break. No joke.